During their hellacious match at Live at the Cockpit 50, as MAD KURT received what can only be described, as a battering from EDDIE KINGSTON, DAN MAGEE came running to the aid of his friend, attempting to throw in the towel as MAD KURT refused to give up and KINGSTON refused to pin him.
But the referee didn't see the throwing of the towel, as KINGSTON caught it mid-air, and wiping his but with the towel before throwing it back! That didn't stop MAGEE though, as he stayed at ringside to try and motivate his friend as he accidentally caused a distraction for KURT to take advantage. As he low-blowed his opponent, rolling up KINGSTON for a near-fall. However, KINGSTON's strength, intensity, and relentlessness were too much for the young wrestler and his friend to watch.
MAGEE managed to get the referee's attention and threw in the towel, with the referee throwing the contest out, with KINGSTON picking up the victory.
KURT was lifeless and limp, as he was brought to the side of the ring, with MAGEE, carrying him to the back.